Our Vision

"Growing into a most Vibrant, Joyful Christian Community, Unified in Loving Service to our neighbors, For the Glory of God."


 We offer 2 ways of joining worship:

1) In-person worship at 10:00AM. For Security Protocols, click here.

2) Livestreaming at 10:00AM. Click here.

Click HERE for the Sunday Bulletin


St Paul UMC is a "Bridge Church!"  Your Council voted to join other churches in the Conference and take on that designation. Why? What does it mean? Most simply stated it is just a commitment to provide "support, nurture, and opportunities for connection" to persons whose church family disaffiliated and who are trying to determine their "next steps" in their life as a Christian. See the website https://nextsteps.vaumc.org/bridge-churches/ for more information.


This logo represents St. Paul's belief, mission, and ministry.

Three flames --- God in Trinity, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We live by the presence, power and promise of God.

Cross --- Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of the world.
We live by the power of his death and resurrection.

Three colors --- Red (Pentecost), Green (Kingdomtide), Purple (Advent, Lent).
We worship God following liturgical cycle.

Stream --- Healing stream running through the temple from the throne of God. (Ezekiel 47)
We are living by the healing power of God.

Circle --- Neighbor, Community, and the World.
We are called to serve each other, as the means of God's healing,
reaching out to our neighbors, community and the world.

St. Paul's Core Value

Worship (Leitouurgia) --- Worship God in spirit and truth.

Teaching (Didache) --- Teach and Learn the Word of God.

Proclamation (Kerygma) --- Witness God, Jesus Christ in word and deed.

Fellowship (Koinonia) --- Commune with God, and with each other.

Service (Diakonia) --- Serve others.

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